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Your music may be banging but how you place and stage your narrative is the key to unlocking an enterprise.


A Masterclass in Music Bio and Journalism

I no longer write in or for the music industry but I would like  to pass on whatever useful nuggets of knowledge, survival and strategy I've gleaned for the next generation of culture-shifters. 

So for those musicians/artists anxious about how to build a new platform and survive the new Pandemic Era, I am going to be running an online class which will enable you to compose succinct, sharp synopses of who you are, what your art is about and engage an ever-distracted audience so they remember why they need to remember you.

It's not a tedious marketing program. It's a class for creative, intelligent committed artists who want to present themselves accurately and to new audiences.

I only have eight slots free. It will be entertaining, it will be visual, you will learn things no other class can teach you.  And yes -you will get homework, you will get thorough feedback and you will be graded!


£45.00 which will help you earn at least 100 times as much - even these lean days.

For that you will receive:

  • 5 online classes
  • an exclusive tailored program
  • my direct attention and engagement
  • Edits
  • mics on!
  • Assignments which take you to another level
  • An exclusive hard copy of handout  notes, nuggets and unique knowledge to help you repeat this process and grow and grow and grow.

You will also leave with:

  • an artist bio
  • an album review or introduction
  • an artist visualisation trajectory and/or business development plan


DATES and TIMES to be established once the cohort are collected.